Safety to make together, make everyone happy.

Outdoor safety zone

Outdoor safety zone

Outdoor safety experience involving wind and flood damage and earthquake

Click experience facilities for
further information.

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Visitors should meet up at the orientation hall on the first floor before education begins.
Outdoor safety zone
Outdoor safety zone

Experience of wind and flood damage, earthquake, vessel safety, fine dust, and social safety

  • Experience of typhoon and strong wind Experience of typhoon and strong wind
  • Experience of earthquake Experience of earthquake
  • Experience of vessel safety Experience of vessel safety
  • Experience of fine dust Experience of fine dust
  • Experience of social safety Experience of social safety
Outdoor safety zone Experience of outdoor safety involving wind and flood damage and earthquake close
Outdoor safety zone

  • Number of people for experience

    15 people

  • Required time

    80 minutes

  • Eligibility

    Elementary, middle, and high school students

  • Reservation

    Book online

Experience and exhibition facilities Cyber exhibition
  • Wind and flood damage

    Safety education against wind and flood damage, prevention of damage, experience of typhoon and strong wind

  • Fine dust

    Fine dust as a silent killer, daily action plans against fine dust, fine dust quiz, risk of infectious diseases

  • Earthquake

    Safety education against earthquake, earthquake at school, evacuation to the playing field, watch out for aftershocks

  • Social safety

    Emergency response in case of alarms, CBR protective gear, survival backpack

  • Vessel safety

    Caution for vessel passengers, rescue facilities, evacuation in case of vessel accident, swimming safety education

Outdoor safety zone Close
  • · Address: [11502] 323-61, Buheung-ro 618beon-gil, Gwangjeok-myeon, Yangju-si, Gyeonggi-do
    · Phone Number : +82-31-839-1400 · Fax Number : +82-31-839-1459(Operations Team), +82-31-839-1489(Education Team)
  • Copyright ⓒ 2020 Gyeonggi-do Office of Education Safety Education Institute. All Rights Reserved.
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