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고등학교 안전교육과정

Director of the Gyeonggi-do Office of Education Safety Education Institute.

Welcome to the Safety Education Institute website.

Our society is witnessing growing damage resulting from natural disasters including wind and flood damage, earthquakes, and typhoon caused by abnormal climate, various accidents involving vessels, cars and outdoor activities. These problems are due largely to safety ignorance, and social disasters such as fire, explosions, and collapses caused by urban concentration and increasing industrialization.

The Gyeonggi-do Office of Education Safety Education Institute operates daily traffic and outdoor safety zones essential for daily social life. In addition, the emergency safety zone is available for CPR and Heimlich maneuver, and the student safety zone is operated as an emotional space for anti-bullying education, sex education, and anti-substance education. The future safety zone, which consists of the 4D education center, screens videos to help people escape from emergency situations and a VR experience center to help visitors recover from potential disasters.

As a venue equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for safety education, the Center is committed to providing safety experience education to parents, faculty, and the general public, as well as students in the Gyeonggi-do area, and helping them develop safe habits in their daily lives.

Director of Gyeonggi-do Office of Education Safety Education Institute

  • · 주소 : [11502] 경기도 양주시 광적면 부흥로 618번길 323-61
    · 전화번호 : 031-839-1400 · 팩스번호 : 031-839-1459(운영지원부), 031-839-1489(교육운영부)
  • Copyright ⓒ 2020 Gyeonggi-do Office of Education Safety Education Institute. All Rights Reserved.
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