Safety to make together, make everyone happy.

Information on rentable facilities

Gyeonggi-do Office of Education Safety Facility information of Education Center

Facility information
Name (floor)Facility information
Capacity (persons)Number of space (number)Main equipment
Multipurpose hall (1st floor)1501beam projector, broadcasting equipment, stage
Discussion room 1 (1st floor)121smart tv
Discussion room 2 (2st floor)121smart tv
Discussion room 3 (3st floor)131smart tv
Discussion room 4 (3st floor)121smart tv
4.16 room (3st floor)341electronic blackboard, broadcasting equipment

Gyeonggi-do Office of Education Safety Fees for administrative property of Education Center

  • Subject to exemption from usage fees: In a case where the user fee is fully exempted pursuant to Article 9 (1)
Name (floor)Capacity (person)Number of space (number)Fee
Multipurpose hall (1st floor)1501Free
Discussion room1 (1st floor)121Free
Discussion room2 (2st floor)121Free
Discussion room3 (3st floor)131Free
Discussion room4 (3st floor)121Free
4.16 room (3st floor)341Free
  • Subject to collection of usage fees: In cases other than exemption from user fees pursuant to Article 9 (1)
Name (floor)Fees (KRW)
Up to 2 hoursMore than 2 hours / Up to 4 hoursMore than 4 hours / Up to 8 hours
Multipurpose hall (1st floor)20,00030,00040,000
Discussion room1 (1st floor)5,00010,00015,000
Discussion room2 (2st floor)5,00010,00015,000
Discussion room3 (3st floor)5,00010,00015,000
Discussion room4 (3st floor)5,00010,00015,000
4.16 room (3st floor)5,00010,00015,000
  • For facilities not described in this table, the office responsible for property management may determine and collect fees in consideration of those for similar facilities and facilities in the neighborhood.
  • Fees to increase 20% for air-conditioning and heating
  • · Address: [11502] 323-61, Buheung-ro 618beon-gil, Gwangjeok-myeon, Yangju-si, Gyeonggi-do
    · Phone Number : +82-31-839-1400 · Fax Number : +82-31-839-1459(Operations Team), +82-31-839-1489(Education Team)
  • Copyright ⓒ 2020 Gyeonggi-do Office of Education Safety Education Institute. All Rights Reserved.
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